If you are experiencing a dental emergency or require urgent dental treatment please call us on
Commerce Dental and Orthodontics
At Commerce Dental and Orthodontics, we will endeavor to attend to all dental emergencies & concerns as soon as possible and are usually seen promptly on the same day.
Common dental emergency problems include:
Dental Emergency Tips
What to do in a Dental Emergency
There are many different types of problems that may be classified as dental emergencies. It may be difficult to assess whether or not you require emergency care. The onset of dental pain, even minor ones, is often a symptom of tooth infection that requires immediate attention.
A reliable emergency dentist does more than provide dental pain relief at the first sight of pain. He or she will be able to diagnose the underlying problems that could potentially worsen – and nip them in the butt before they do!
Whatever the case may be, it is important to contact a dentist as soon as possible for a proper examination. An emergency dentist at our office will help you to limit the damage to your teeth, gums and supporting bone.
Here are just a few of the dental emergencies that require immediate attention.

Cracked or Chipped Tooth
Perhaps the most obvious causes of toothaches are cracked or chipped teeth. Your teeth may be in excellent condition and still be cracked or chipped for a variety of reasons – the most common causes are old fillings and damage from teeth clenching and grinding.
The extent of a cracked tooth may not be immediately noticeable, but a dentist can help you assess the damage. The degree of pain indicates the severity of the chip and how much the nerve of the tooth has been affected. If the tooth is completely knocked out, place it in a cup of milk and visit an emergency dentist straight away. If a tooth can be re-inserted within one to two hours of being knocked out, it has a better chance of survival and taking root again.
It is important to rinse your mouth with warm salt water to clean the area around the broken tooth. Apply cold pressure onto the area to reduce pain and swelling. Visit us immediately to ensure no further damage is inflicted onto the remaining tooth.
Tooth Decay
The most common reasons for dental pain are tooth decay or a cavity within the tooth. If the decay is relatively mild, the pain usually comes only when the decayed tooth comes into contact with cold foods or beverages. If the pain persists without such “cold triggers”, the decay has worsened, leading to inflammation of the nerve tissue. For either case, you should see a dentist immediately to identify the cause of the problem and receive treatment.
If swelling occurs, the best thing to do is to apply an ice pack on the affected area and rinse it using a mild salt solution – which will also help to clear the area of any food particles. Unless you have been advised to do so by a medical professional, never apply heat to an oral swelling – as heat may exacerbate some dental problems.
To make sure you receive the proper treatment that would not only relieve the pain but also prevent the decay from getting worse, visit us at Commerce Dental and Orthodontics. Our professional emergency dentists will be able to provide the best solution in your hour of need.
Gum Pain
There are several possibilities that may cause gum pain, but most commonly, it occurs around partially erupted wisdom teeth. This happens when the bacterial accumulation beneath the flap of tissue that covers the erupted tooth leads to an infection,that in turn causes a pain-inducing gum inflammation.
Emergency dental treatment usually entails irrigation of the area beneath the flap of gum tissue followed by a prescription of antibiotics. This is, however, only a temporary treatment to relieve the pain. It can reoccur if the wisdom teeth are not extracted.
Abscesses as a result of gum disease can also trigger severe pain and swelling. Gum abscesses tend to affect patients who suffer from chronic periodontal disease. While many people with periodontal diseases fail to detect them due to lack of symptoms, others experience pain and swelling.
Emergency treatment will consist of cleaning the infected zone around the tooth and prescribing antibacterial mouthwash and antibiotics. If the periodontal disease is not treated, the infection may spread to other parts of your body, leading to more serious complications. Periodontal disease can lead to chronic inflammation of the tissues in the mouth. Common abscessed tooth treatments include tooth extraction or performing a root canal procedure.
You can ease abscessed gum pain by rinsing with a mild saltwater solution, which will help keep the area clean. Do not put aspirin on your tooth or gums as it may burn your dental tissue and cause even more pain. The next thing to do is to seek dental care – as untreated dental problems can lead to bigger issues.

Children’s Dental Emergencies
Accidents do happen. At The Grand Prairie Dentist- Implants & Braces, we are fully equipped to deal with a dental situation involving children and pre-teens.
In the unlikely event that your child has a dental emergency, the best thing you can do is remain calm. Do not panic. A panicking parent would only worsen the situation as your emotions may rub off on the child, who is probably already traumatized by the incident.
For the more typical situations, here are some of the things you can do to lessen the pain or problem until professional help is sought.
Cut or Bitten Lip
If you child bites him or herself by accident, you will need to apply ice to the bruised or swollen area. If bleeding occurs, apply firm pressure on the area. If bleeding persists after 15 minutes, call us immediately.
Knocked out Permanent Tooth
When this happens, parents can get a bit emotional. Remember: Stay calm. Rinse the tooth in question and try to reinsert it. Avoid touching the roots or rubbing too hard when rinsing. Hold it by its crown and place the tooth carefully back into the socket and tell the child to bite down on a towel or clean gauze to exert pressure while holding the tooth back in place.
If you’re not able to reset the tooth in place, put it in a cup of water or milk and call us immediately. There’s a good chance the tooth can be saved if it is reinserted within an hour of it being knocked out.
Broken Braces
If the broken brace or wire in question may be removed without causing further pain to the child, go ahead and remove it. Do not pull or use force on any part of the orthodontic appliance. If the wire is stuck in the gum or cheek, do not attempt to remove it. Take the child to a dentist immediately.
If the broken appliance cannot be removed – and is not stuck in the gum or cheek – cover the sharp edges with cotton and call us immediately.