We offer two safe and effective teeth whitening options. Both of these use bleaching agents to lighten the colour of your teeth. Depending on your current situation and needs, our dentist will recommend the best option for you.

Teeth Whitening Trays
This is a take home teeth whitening method. Plastic trays are made from moulds taken of your mouth. Combined with the bleaching gels, you may wear the trays between 1-2 hours every night for 2 week straight. Most patient’s teeth will gain 3-5 shades whiter (depending on individual diet). The trays are yours to keep and if future treatments are needed, you only need to purchase the bleaching gel.

Zoom Teeth Whitening
This is a one visit treatment as seen on TV. Light activated bleaching gel is used to give you up to 7 shades white all within 1 hour. Our dentist will begin by protecting your lips and gums with rubber seals or gel. The bleaching agent is then applied to your teeth. A high-intensity light is placed over your teeth to begin the whitening process. We repeat this step 3-4 times over 1 hour.